An overview of all the pictures you can find on the website, with some extra descriptions.
The artists for these stunning pictures are:
JSL (Jennifer S. Lange), and you can find her on
SickJoe, here you can find more of SickJoe’s work
DEATH FROM ABOVE A skilled merc uses his implants to overwhelm his enemies. His target has already fled the scene but once the guards are taken care off he will run his target down in no time.
RED WOLF In the midst of bullets and explosions Wolf keeps his cool and eliminates his adversaries with well placed shots from his massive semi automatic rifle while also keeping the heat of his wounded ally.
HACKER From the outside you really can not tell if she just takes a rest in a park or hacks a highly secured information node nearby. Only because we can see her Enhanced Reality we know for sure that she is a hacker.
EXIT STAGE LEFT She had a really bad day. But not as bad as his day got because of her. Sometimes it is not about the damage but how far you can push somebody out of a window with Impulse.
KNOX, AMBUSH FAILED It sounded like a simple gig. Too bad that their client failed to mention some key details about Knox. He is never without protection, he does not hesitate and he is an Untouched.
SAM There is really nothing else like this AI in all of Celtara. Don't be fooled by his human looking androids. Behind those blue eyes works an impossibly powerful intelligence.
3 SECONDS It takes only three seconds to reload but in the middle of a fire fight these three seconds feel like an eternity.
GHOST Immortals are famous for standing out so people forget that there are also specialized Frames for covert operations. Soundless shadows that move like the wind and cut like blades.
PRIMAL TERROR While the one guy got all heat drained from his body his friend thought to ambush their attacker from behind. An instantaneous Arc to the chest ended his life in the same moment he realized that they faced an enemy far beyond their reach.
FIRST STEP When you first awaken as an Immortal even walking can be a challenge as everything feels new and different. The new born Immortal can now look forward to six months of physical training to learn how to properly control their Frame.
HUNTRESS Vesh does not need big swords or heavy guns. She has two Jaeger, that is more than enough. Just don't make any sudden moves when you meet her. A simple thought from her is enough to turn you into minced meat.
RUSH HOUR Your average rush hour in Haven. Sometimes people just jump with their bikes down a bridge and perforate some gang bangers mid flight. Totally normal.
HERO'S HOUR A powerful Fated confronts his enemies as seen through the Fabric of Fate.
HAMMER Pro tip: If you meet a 2,5 meter, 300 kg Immortal in an alleyway, don't piss him off. This one has just seen heavy action and is running hot, literally. His mighty muscles produce enough heat to evaporate the rain.
THE PAIN IS ON If a guy with a big sword comes running at you, you better make sure he is dead before he reaches you. Or this happens.
INDEPENDENT STATES Celtara is not just the major nations. Hundreds of smaller nations exist on islands spread around the world. They all have their own story to tell.
ARMORY You know he has a nasty sawed off shotgun under the table. Just in case you try something stupid. You have a license right?
EMPEROR Those who reach the rank of Prophet no longer need to use direct action. They prefer to manipulate events from the distance to their benefit.
GAME NIGHT What better way to spent your down time than to play a game of DoC with your friends.
FOR HE IS DEATH For those who have reached the zenith of Fate Power normal humans are, no matter how many, without consequence. Their existence is absolute, their fate unstoppable.
HAVEN Haven is its own type of landscape. An endless forest of concrete, an ever changing maze occupied by 150 million people.
JUN'KA The home of the Tribes has many faces. Giant cities, desolate deserts, hot jungles. They are all different but the are all Jun'Ka.
MEDINA Memory and witness to the abhorrent reality of war and humanities titanic will to rebuilt, better. Peace in our time.
CONFLICT If two powerful Fated go all out their conflict extends far beyond local destruction. Those fools bring doom to untold innocents, and the wrath of the powers that be on to who ever survives this battle.
LHO MANG Here in Lho Mang tradition is married to progress. Beauty hides daggers and blood means power.
PELOS If you have dream and the will to make it reality you can change the world. This is what Pelos is built on. Together with merciless competition and a total disregard to personal health and flexible morals. It is a package.
THE LOST Any world, any society has its rejects. Filth, unwanted, useless waste that gathers in the cracks.
WAR It speaks for itself.
GROWING FRONTIER The world is changing and humanity is not in control.
THELASIA The perfect future comes together with perfect surveillance. If you have it all you have to hold on tightly to lose nothing.
UPGRADE House Nyr provides some top of the shelf implants. Of course only if you can pay the price.
MEDIGEL That stuff can perform miracles and magic tricks. By techno miracle it heals your wounds and like magic all your credits vanish from your bank account. 30k for one application makes you think twice if you really need it.