Weapon of Choice
DoC offers 34 types of weapons, coming in various Quality Levels from cheap street level over military grade up to stuff you shouldn’t even know exists in the first place. Besides various ballistic weapons like pistols and assault rifles you will also find explosive weapons, a handful of laser weapons and modern melee weapons as implants and Immortals revived Close Quarter Combat once more.
This is of course not enough. To give all the special ops and mercs out there more options many weapons can also be modified for your individual needs. Make a 2h-sword into a throwing weapon, add a laser pointer to your semi-automatic or give your tactical crossbow an auto-loader.
Still not enough. Ballistic weapons come with a set of special ammunition types and several grenade variants allow you to react to any tactical situation. Hard target? AP ammo and thermal grenades might help. Lots of goons swarming your team, try the air burst grenades for your grenade launcher. Or how about an arrow that inflicts electric shocks or ammunition that dissolves and poisons your target if you want to be really fancy?
Second Skin
There are three levels of armor in Celtara. Light Armor which is ergonomic enough to be worn under normal street clothes and offers the least protection but the highest amount of freedom. Assault Armor represents the best protection that still allows you to walk around under your own strength. And finally Massive Armor which is a powered exoskeleton that turns you into a walking bunker with about as much mobility and stealth. Like weapons armor comes in several level of quality from street rags to OMG I didn’t even feel your bullet dude.
For more defense options shields can provide more protection at the cost of offensive power. They come in the same categories as armor and can turn a well protected character into a walking nightmare for your enemies. Remember you can’t deal damage if you are dead.
You can find more detailed information in the Lore Library and all the numbers in the Appendix.