Digital Battlefield
Since the invention of the computer people have been trying to hack them. This has not changed over the centuries but what has changed are the tools. Today in Celtara hacker and system defense use “near” AI level programs called IMPs (Independent Modular Program) to attack and defend in the invisible struggle for control.
Armed with a workstation or in recent times an Uplink implant a skilled hacker only needs a connection point, mainly wifi, to attack even complex systems. What would have taken a whole organisation in the past becomes possible for a singular person thanks to the power of the IMPs.
Specialized IMPs allow a hacker to break through system level defenses and take over whole operations or sieve through terabytes of data for valuable information or simply bring down the whole thing.
On the other hand automatic system defense can host an array of powerful IMPs for protection, adapting to each attack until the intruder is no longer a threat.
IMPs are expensive, rare and it takes a skilled hacker to control several at the time. This makes a good hacker a priceless addition to any team.
More information about hacking and IMPs can be found in the Core Rules.