Beyond the spotlight.
A large part of humanity does not live in one of the big nations but is scattered all over Celtara’s thousands of islands. Singular islands or island groups with their own mix of cultures, history, goals and struggles demand to be respected as independent nations.
Each nation by itself does not carry enough weight to be of importance but all together their votes in the WPC alone can decide policies and economic development of the world. And so naturally, the game of politics is played with big nations moving small nations like pawns on the diplomatic game board.
Most of the conflicts in Celtara are played out far away from the big continents in the unnamed jungles of small islands, in the streets of port towns and in the treacherous waters of archipelagos.
Here mercs, local militia, pirates and black ops soldiers are caught up in “local border disputes”, “transitional government changes” and “limited civilian unrest”. Because war does not exist anymore in Celtara.
The smaller island nations are not only an integral part of Celtara but a great stage for you to tell your own story.
From an agrarian utopia that is threatened by ruthless corporations to an iron fist dictatorship that secretly makes deals with pirates all kinds of backgrounds can be found here. Challenge your party by plunging them into a struggling island group at the brink of a violent revolution and see which side they choose.
Aside the big stories are many small lives and fates which are less bombastic but maybe even more important to be told. When the big numbers thin down to individuals, to faces and names, a small fishing village can be where you make your last stand. Against the odds, against common sense, for no better reason than it is just the right thing to do.