Riches last a lifetime but glory burns forever.
What the endless plains and brooks of Pelos lack in intensity is more than compensated by the chori, the natives with their sharp features and dark hair. Celtara with all her diverse people knows no second culture so fixated on competition and glory as them.
This competitive spirit is most visible in the Houses, semi corporations with a strong vision or goal. To be the best, the first to achieve, to do what ever it takes to leave a lasting mark in history is often the driver of Houses. The largest, the Great Houses, especially those in the military field command respect far beyond Pelos.
And this is greatly needed as Pelos might be a direct democracy but without politicians and a general political system it lacks diplomatic power. House Pelos, the defacto state, excels in many things but without a strong, united political will Pelos just drifts through international politics.
Pelos is the smallest of the large nations but its true weight comes from their near monopoly on biotechnology and massive food production. In addition, Chimeras and other genetically modified species in Pelos proof that humanity can gain supremacy over life itself.
Pelos is a bit of a handful so better read all about it in the Lore Library.
You never know what is waiting for you when you get involved with the chori and their Houses. Adventure, intrigue, struggle, people asking for your genome.
The chori are as excitable as they are driven. As long as you stay out of their way you are golden but cross their paths in a bad way and get ready for a fight to the bone. Don’t lightly start competitions with them.
Every House is different but all of them are intense in their quest to fulfill their vision. Maybe so much so that you yourself gets pulled in. There are worse ways to spent your life than to work together with talented people to reach a noble goal.
The Great and Venerable House of Pelos is a special kind of machine, one that demands of you to first read the manual carefully if not to get pulled through all their gears and ground to dust. Your wit and charm might carry you through hell but an Arbiter is a totally different matter.