No tears left to cry.
What is there to say? War destroyed Celtara 150 years ago.
You want to know who is at fault but what does it matter. The dead don’t come back, the cities still lie in ruins. If I tell you who started it will you learn from their mistakes or will you just blame them? Everybody committed horrible atrocities in this war, it was only a matter of time.
All those weapons and inventions we swore we would never use were unleashed. When faced with total extinction everything becomes fair game. They killed our families and so we killed theirs. They burned our cities and temples and we retaliated in kind. In the end we were no better than them. War makes us all monsters.
35.08.12 b.S. In a completely unprovoked terror attack Kharak killed all people on board the thelasian cruise liner Ocean’s Pearl. Three days later Thelasia retaliated with a strike against one of Kharak’s forward military bases. On the same day Kharak declared total war against Thelasia.
Against all expectations Kharak quickly and brutally overwhelmed Thelasia and expanded its war efforts against Thelasia’s allies. Eventually the whole world stood up to Kharak but laughing at the odds, Kharak continued to be victorious. For a time it looked like Kharak would win the war but finally the Battle of the Red Dunes marked the end of Kharak’s march.
What followed was a slow and devastating war of attrition. No place on Celtara was left untouched and at the time the Coalition Army finally set foot on Kharak, to make a push for the capital, the world broke. The Sundering swept over humanity and ended the 12 year long war.
98% of humanity perished and with it civilization.
More about the Great War and what followed can be found in the Lore Library.