Peace in our time.
I KNOW. I KNOW. You have no interest in reading about some stuffy, six year long summit and a gigantic, complicated legal text. There are no explosions! But if you want to make any sense of Celtara today you need to understand what happened here. Because in Medina the New World Order was forged.
After the Great War, with 98% of the world population dead and the world in ruins, humanity came together with grim determination. In the destroyed thelasian city of Medina they put down rules to ensure that war would never threaten humanities existence ever again. A massive social contract was formed, binding the whole world together and banning not only war but many technologies considered too volatile, too dangerous in human hands. Here are the highlights:
WAR is outlawed.
Planes are outlawed. Helicopters are restricted to max 300 kph.
Rocket motors are outlawed (one exception).
Any form of strategic first strike weapon including military submarines are outlawed.
AI or automated systems are not allowed to control weapons.(human on the trigger rule)
The development or use of advanced AI is heavily regulated. The creation of a level 4 AI is forbidden.
Military manpower is restricted based on a mathematical key that includes nation size, population and total number of humans in the world.
Artillery weapons and other large scale area of effect weapons are restricted from use in 2 km radius of civilian housing or known civilian groups. Artillery is restricted to a 50 km maximum range.
The development, use, possession or proliferation of weapons of mass destruction is outlawed.
Direct attacks against the civilian population are outlawed.
Any form of biological and chemical large scale area of effect weapon is forbidden.
Overseeing and regulating all of this is the powerful World Peace Council (WPC). Anybody who tries to destroy the new world order is branded an Outlaw.