The pride of the tribe weighs heavier than your life.
With her endless deserts, desolate mountain ranges and steaming jungles Jun’Ka is a demanding mother. It should not surprise that her tall and dark skinned children would create a tough and resistant culture that endured thousands of years.
Of course, the Tribes have long left their primitive beginnings behind. And while they have lost their superpower status and the northern continent through the Great War they are no less capable and potentially dangerous than before.
Million sized cities, modern technology and education, are all testament to a thriving modern society. On the other hand, the Tribes are stuck in their endless internal struggles and fights. It is this fierce competition that makes them the potent force they are but it also prevents them from ever permanently uniting.
To serve the tribe is to live with pride. A life without pride is not worth living.
If you want to know more about Jun’Ka and the Tribes swing by the Lore Library.
If you have a taste for more demanding environments and a battle for survival Jun’Ka will provide plenty for you.
In contrast to what many might believe the Tribes are for the most part easy to get along with. Have a drink, share a story and fall in love. No problem.
Along the way you should keep in mind that basically everybody here knows how to fight and they are very thin skinned when it comes to critique of their tribe. The politics and customs can be hard to understand for outsiders and a good amount of respect will help you navigate most situations.
Do not mistake their old culture for stupidity or a lack of flexibility. Not too long ago the Tribes ruled half of the world and they put mortal fear into the other half.
The Tribes, the same as the land, do respect strength and a strong will. Even their faith in the Goddess is an expression of this believe. Those who are chosen succeed and those who are weak are never chosen.